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We Are Ag Leader – Brett Peelen

by May 11, 2018Ag Leader, Ag Leader News

Our dedicated dealer network is the backbone of our company. Take a second to meet some of the local precision experts across the country, and around the world.

1. What is your name, position, dealership & location:  Brett Peelen, Precision Ag Technician, Ag Partners, LLC, Calumet, IA.

2. How long have you been selling Ag Leader products? I have been selling Ag Leader products since 2005.

3. What’s your favorite thing about selling precision ag products? There is something different every day. Each day brings new challenges, new/different equipment to work on, and new people to meet.

4. What do you enjoy about working with Ag Leader? I tell my customers I sell Ag Leader because Ag Leader works. When I worked in Ag Leader Support there were days we wondered if anything ever worked. Once I got out in the country selling and working with precision ag products from different companies I quickly learned that Ag Leader is above the rest for quality of product and reliability. When I sell Ag Leader I expect it to work, just like my customers do. I don’t expect to need a bunch of spare parts to keep guys going like we do with equipment from other brands. Also Ag Leader’s support is one of the best in the industry; when customers and dealers need help Ag Leader has great online resources and phone support.

5.  In five years, the new, hot precision ag product on the market will be….
The Do Everything Planter  —  electric drive/hyd DF, Multi Hybrid, variable rate seeding with variable applied fert/insecticide/plant health products (each variable with rates and product specific to each grid/zone and variety planted in the field) with on the go fertility sensors to tweak nutrients and additives. Planter will be smaller to match ability to carry products but able to go faster to make up for smaller size.

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