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2021 SureForce™ Corn Trial – OH

What We Were Testing For:

To evaluate SureForce™ at three different treatments in the field and the formation of uniform seedbed conditions across the different treatment types. The agronomy team will evaluate the uniformity of emergence and the seedling depth during the 2021 growing season. Yield data will also be collected at harvest to determine the efficacy of the down force treatments and develop best management practices for growers to utilize on their own farms based on the outcomes of these trials.

This AgFiniti® map shows the down force treatments in this trial.

Trial Location:
Southern Ohio

Product Tested:

Crop Type:

Cropping Practice:

Early Season Findings:

Observed visual differences in the different down force treatments, specifically thinner-looking corn in the manual down force passes. These differences were most easily seen from the drone video (above).


Additional Trial Information:

Sam marks the location of a soil thermometer probe.

Two months later, Sam finds the soil probe with AgFiniti®.

Manual passes show a large amount of gauge wheel load variability. This pass has some rows likely planting shallow, while others record nearly 200 lbs of gauge wheel load.

Additional insights coming this fall!

This is a summarization of data collected in one year and represents only what happened across the tested field in 2021.  It is not a rigorous evaluation of factors that may or may not influence yield.  Results may not predict future performance and may not be complete.

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