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New Features Available in SMS v23.0

Feb 22, 2023Ag Leader, SMS™ Software

Highlights of SMS Version 23:

Adjust prescription rates by cost

Gain more control over input costs with this new prescription budget tool! Now you can easily adjust a prescription based on a set budget either for the entire field or per area.

Provide the cost of the product and SMS will scale or reduce the prescription values to meet your desired budget.


The left prescription is showing the original cost compared with the right prescription after using the prescription adjustment tool based on a desired cost. In this case, the rate has been lowered in red areas to zero that don’t need as much ensuring areas in green receive the full application rate where it is needed most while staying within the designated budget.

Verify application performance with new Rate Quality map 

Easily verify how well the product was applied with the new Rate Quality map. Have confidence in knowing where the application rate correctly matched the target rate, and evaluate areas that were over or under applied to determine if any additional steps need to be taken. 



Trace boundary enhancements

The Trace Boundary tool has been enhanced to allow you to control the sensitivity of tracing small details in the field. As shown above, a sensitivity adjustment may be helpful for areas tracing a narrow waterway.

Additional Updates:

Additional new tools: 

    • Equation and Zone Based Analysis Functions can now produce polygon layers instead of grids/rasters (SMS Advanced) 
    • Added buffer Visuals and tooltips for Field Trials (Advanced)


New file formats: 

    • Updated support for John Deere® Gen4 displays 
    • Updated support for Precision Planting® Gen3 20/20® 
    • Updated support for ISOXML files (v4) using the ADAPT ISO Plugin 
    • Updated/added support for exporting Raven® displays including:
      • CR7™/CR12™
      • Envizio Pro™/Pro II™ 
      • Viper®  4/4+ 
      • Viper®  I/II 
      • Viper®  Pro 
    • Added support for importing .LAZ files Containing LIDAR data (SMS Advanced) 

Reminder: Renew SMS maintenance online

Instantly renew your annual SMS maintenance online using a credit card. Simply login to your AgFiniti account using your SMS login credentials. For your convenience, your annual maintenance will be set to autorenew unless specified.